




     The Research on Internet Marketing Strategy of Smart TV Industry in China ——Take WHALEY for Example

    Abstract: With the constant development of information technology, new products, innovative thinking and new model are increasing with the shock of internets. New products that Smart TV e-commerce, ‘we media’ and so on are caused by the situation. When the PC goes early intelligent, also in the case of a large-scale intelligent mobile phone and tablet, TV screen will also conform to become smarter. It is no doubt that television and the Internet are bound to be in an era of comprehensive fusion.

    At first, this paper puts forward the research background and significance of network marketing strategy on Smart TV. It expounds the concept of network marketing and the related theory in detail. In addition, the paper carries out further research on network marketing strategy of WHALEY by using the SWOT. Finally, by combining with the theory of E-Marketing strategy, aiming at the characteristics of enterprise and using the marketing 4P theory, it puts forward the strategy of network marketing for WHALEY Technology Company.

    This paper use survey method, literature search method, empirical analysis and experiential summary method to research the E-Marketing strategy for WHALEY Technology Company comprehensively. It points out the problems and shortcomings, combined with the case of the same industry, and put forward the strategy of network marketing for WHALEY Technology Company. Hope to provide some reference for other companies in the smart TV industry.

    Keywords: smart tv, network marketing, strategy

     目  录

    绪论 4

    研究的背景 4

    研究的意义 4

    一、网络营销的概述及相关理论 5

    (一)网络营销的概述 5

    (二)网络营销的产生 5

    (三)网络营销的相关理论 6

    1、直复营销理论 6

    2、软营销理论 7

    3、网络整合营销 7

    二、微鲸电视网络营销现状分析及问题 7

    (一)微鲸电视概述 7

    (二)微鲸电视网络营销SWOT分析 8

    1、优势分析 8


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