

    毕业论文关键词:  育儿假;性别视角;休假长度;休假津贴;休假成本分担

    The Study of Chinese Parental Leave System from a Gender View

    Abstract: Parental leave refers to the holiday that both parents enjoy to take care of their infants after the mother gave birth to her children. Because of the fact that parental leave has not been a clear and unified regulation in our country, there are still many problems in the policy of fertility at present. In order to explore the necessity of parental leave as well as the feasibility of its regulation, this paper take the methods of literature research, questionnaires and interviews from a gender view to analyze the status of respondents’ fertility, their attitude and their expectation of Chinese parental leave system. The investigation have proved that parental leave is conducive to the growth of child protection, reduce fertility concerns, reduce the replacement rate of female jobs, balance the relationship between work and family, and promote the implementation of the two-child policies. In order to effectively play the role of parental leave, we need to consider the object of parental leave, the assignment of leave, vacation length, leave allowance level, vacation cost sharing methods as well as to develop a reasonable plan and recommendations.

    KeyWords:parental leave;from a gender view;vacation length;leave allowance level;vacation cost sharing methods

     目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一) 相关概念界定 1

    (二) 研究背景与选题依据 1

    (三) 研究目的与研究意义 1

    二、研究方法 2

    (一)文献研究法 2

    (二)问卷调查法 2

    (三)访谈法 2

    三、研究结果 2

    (一)文献研究 2

    1、 国内关于育儿假研究的现状 2

    2、 国外关于育儿假研究的现状 3

    3、 小结 3

    (二)问卷调查 4

    1、 调查对象的基本情况 4

    2、 调查对象家庭的生育情况 4

    3、 调查对象的生育态度 5

    4、 调查对象对育儿假的期望 6

    (三)访谈 9

    1、 访谈对象的基本情况 9

    2、 访谈对象从自身角度出发对育儿假的看法 9

    3、 访谈对象从企业角度出发对育儿假的看法

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