




    ABSTRACT   The construction industry is one of the basic industries of national economy in China, occupies a very important position in the national economic development and social development. With the development of society, more and more open, the domestic construction market gradually, on the one hand, to provide greater market opportunities and enormous construction market at home and abroad for the construction enterprise of our country; on the other hand, the domestic construction enterprise's competition is more intense, is a major challenge for the team the building enterprise of our country speaking.

        The information management technology is one of important ways and means to enhance the competitiveness of construction enterprises, a strategic goal of enterprise, a revolutionary progress at the same time management. In this paper, through some of the management information of construction enterprises of our country, puts forward some reasonable suggestions for the construction enterprises, and puts forward some measures to promote the construction enterprise development from enterprise, government, industry associations, etc..

    With the development of economy and technology, there is a very good software BIM has many construction enterprises recognized at home and abroad. This paper introduced the BIM related knowledge, in some cases, the use of BIM in some large projects can effectively design and management of the whole cycle, can save the construction period, construction enterprises to save resources, reduce unnecessary waste in the process of construction, has been widely recognized by many built enterprises.

    Keywords: management information system; measures; BIM; development trend;


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1选题的背景 1

    1.2选题的目的和意义 1

    1.3国内外研究综述 2

    1.3.1国外现状研究 2

    1.3.2国内研究现状 3

    1.4 研究内容和方法 4

    第二章 建筑企业管理信息化 6

    2.1 建筑企业管理信息化的定义和内涵 6

    2.2建筑管理信息系统的发展历程 6

    2.3建筑企业管理信息化的主要方法和手段 8


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