
    摘  要:纺织工业作为国民经济传统支柱产业、重要的民生产业和国际竞争优势明显的产业,在繁荣市场、吸纳就业、增加农民收入、加快城镇化进程以及促进社会和谐发展等方面发挥了重要作用。本文以南通绿芭蕉纺织品有限公司为研究对象,运用了4P营销理论中的产品策略,价格策略,促销策略以及分销策略,探讨了其在营销中存在的问题,包括企业产品缺乏创新、产品定价低、分销渠道传统,促销方式的单一化等,并提出进行产品以及营销管理的创新、实施品牌战略及定价技巧、优化渠道系统、整合多种促销方式等,致力于改善公司现状以达到更好的营销效果。57259

    毕业论文关键词: 纺织品,产品创新,分销渠道,促销方式 

    Abstract:Textile industry is a traditional pillar industry of national economy,an important industry of people's livelihood and an industry having obviously international competitive advantages.And it has played an important role in prospering market, absorbing employment, increasing people’s income, accelerating the process of urbanization and promoting the development of harmonious society and so on.This thesis takes NANTONG LVBAJIAO TEXTILE CO. LTD as the research object. It uses the product strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy and distribution strategy of the 4P marketing theory to discuss the problems existed in the market, including enterprise products and lacks of innovation in the management of market,lowing product niche, the traditional distribution channels, single promotion way etc.It also offers the innovation of the product and marketing management, implementing brand strategy and positioning technique, optimization of channel system, integration of a variety of promotions, which are committed to improve the state of the company in order to achieve better marketing effect.

    Keywords: textile, product innovation, distribution channels , promotions

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  基本理论概述 3

    3  南通绿芭蕉概况分析 4

    3.1  南通绿芭蕉公司介绍 4

    3.2  企业微观环境分析 4

    3.3  企业宏观环境分析 4

    4  南通绿芭蕉营销过程中存在的问题 5

    4.1  企业产品缺乏创新 5

    4.2  产品定价档次偏低 5

    4.3  分销渠道传统 6

    4.4  促销方式单一 7

    5  南通绿芭蕉营销问题的解决对策 7

    5.1  加强企业自主创新 7

    5.2  进行区别定价,提升品牌价值 8

    5.3  优化渠道系统 8

    5.4  整合多种促销方式 9

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    1  引言


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