
    摘  要天柱县三星岩文化产业园·天泽郡天瑶组团、天玑组团建设项目是天柱县三星岩文化产业园建设项目一期的建设内容。本项目位于天柱县凤城镇红旗坝,紧邻金凤大道、鉴江和郎江,天柱县城位于项目东面,地理位置优越。该项目总用地面积152770.65m2,建筑占地面积约为64878m2,总建筑面积618420.62m2,其中商业建筑面积为154097.04m2,住宅面积为445705.77m2,物业用房面积为1932.75m2,地下建筑面积169279.14m2,共有停车位5224个,总容积率3.93,绿化率30%。本项目主要由住宅、商业、图书馆、写字楼、地下车库、三星岩文化广场、配套公共服务设施等组成。58136




    ABSTRACT Tianzhu County Samsung rock culture industrial park, Chak county day Yao group, Tianji Group construction project is Tianzhu County Samsung rock culture industrial park construction project phase content of construction.This project is located in Tianzhu County, Phoenix Town Hongqi dam, adjacent to Jinfeng Avenue, Jiang Kengo Kazuro, Tianzhu county is located in the east of the project, the geographical position is superior. The project with a total land area of 152770.65m2, building covers an area of about 64878m2, with a total construction area of 618420.62m2, the commercial building area for 154097.04m2, residential area 445705.77m2, property housing area for 1932.75m2, underground construction area of 169279.14m2, altogether has parking 5224, the total volume of 3.93, greening rate of 30% of the project mainly consists of residential, business, library, office buildings, underground garage, Samsung rock culture square, supporting public service facilities.

    Land use planning permit issued by the construction project by Tianzhu County of Guizhou province development and Reform Bureau of development and reform of investment No. [2015]111 days on Tianzhu County Samsung rock culture industrial park construction project for the county, Chak notice > and Guizhou province Tianzhu County Housing and Urban Construction Bureau (the No. 520000201525881st) and the planning of construction projects permit (word no. 520000201526254th). Three at the same time, China's "Regulations", in the new construction, renovation and expansion projects, must be made on the environmental impact report, approved by the environmental protection department and other relevant departments to review the design. Therefore, it is necessary for the design of environmental assessment report measures Tianzhu Tianze new county new project.

    The purpose of this paper, through the investigation on the current state of the environment, project analysis, and environmental factors in data processing, evaluation, Tianzhu County Samsung rock culture industrial park, Chak county new project environmental impact assessment, in order to achieve the project on the surrounding environment pollution minimization.

      Keywords:     Tianzhu county、real estate development、environmental impact assessment

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