    Development Problems and Countermeasures for Cold Chain Logistics Industry--To theWMT enterprise as an exampleAbstract In the past few years, governments and enterprises attach more importance to thecold chain logistics industry, so great development has taken place in this industry.Moreover, the consumer has received an unprecedented increase on the demand ofcold chain products, in the face of such a great development opportunities, cold chainlogistics industry in China is facing great opportunities and challenges. But because ofthe cold chain logistics industry in China has just started, if you want to catch up withthe level of developed countries still have a long way to go. So it is necessary toconduct the thorough research to this issue.Firstly, this article simply expounds the basic concept of cold chain logistics,characteristics and principles, and analyzes the current status of cold chain logistics inour country and several main current problems of cold chain logistics has beenconcluded. Secondly, this paper discusses the specific steps of determining the indexweight by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and comprehensive evaluation byusing the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and then makes an empiricalanalysis of the wal-mart cold-chain logistics performance level. Finally, this paperconcluded that we can improve the level of cold chain logistics via following ways,such as cultivating the third party cold chain logistics enterprises, improving the coldchain logistics information technology, strengthen government support, cultivatingcompound talents, perfecting the cold chain infrastructure in five aspects.
    Keywords : cold chain logistics; Analytic Hierarchy Process; fuzzycomprehensive evaluation method ; Wal-Mart; countermeasures

    目 录

    1、 绪论..1

    1.1 研究意义1

    1.2 国内研究现状..1

    1.3 国外研究现状... 2

    2、基本理论综述... 3

    2.1 冷链物流概念... 3

    2.2 冷链物流的基本特征.. 3

    2.3 冷链物流遵循的原则.. 4


    3.1 运用层次分析法确定指标权重..4

    3.2 模糊综合评价.12

    3.3 评价结果及分析.17

    4、我国冷链物流问题分析 18


    结 论23

    致 谢24


    附 录:职工意见调查表.. 27
    冷链物流的发展现状及对策分析--以沃尔玛为例1、绪论1.1研究意义近日,国务院办公厅下达了《关于 2016 年食品安全重点工作安排的通知》。《通知》指出,虽然 2015 年国家食品安全状况不断改善,但食品安全基础薄弱,其风险仍不容忽视。冷链物流业的发展与食品安全息息相关, 但是纵观我国目前的冷链建设现状却不容乐观。与发达国家相比,我国冷链物流不但起步晚而且发展速度也相当缓慢,目前大部分企业和政府还不具备冷链意识,相关法律法规也尚未成熟,冷藏设备严重不足等等一系列问题都摆在眼前, 这直接导致一些食品尤其是易腐食品的品质和安全得不到保障。因此,我国必须在结合本国实际情况的前提下,借鉴发达国家先进的发展经验,探寻适合我国国情的冷链发展对策。本文的研究意义主要有以下四点:第一,明确冷链物流的内涵、特点、以及其处理原则,以区分其与一般的常温物流;第二,针对沃尔玛在中国的冷链物流发展情况构建冷链物流绩效的指标评价体系;第三,通过对沃尔玛冷链绩效评价指出当前我国冷链物流存在的问题;第四,通过分析我国冷链物流发展存在的问题,并借鉴国外发达国家冷链物流发展的成功经验,针对冷链物流发展提出有建设性的应对策略。

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