

    关键字   人力资源管理 劳动合同解除 经济补偿与赔偿

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    The Research of Enterprise Employee Dismissal                     


    Labor relations become more complex, so in terms of state-owned enterprises, private or foreign-funded enterprises, employees dismissal of human resource management is becoming an important part of the development. This paper analyzes from the perspective of the employer "Labor Contract Law" in different circumstances the parties terminate the labor contract the powers, duties and obligations. Release refers to both parties agreed by consensus on the basis of labor contracts. Unilaterally terminate labor contracts that statutory release, unilaterally terminate workers, reflecting the free choice of workers labor law authority and personal independence respected. Wanton labor contracts gave the enterprise caused great loss. Employer unilaterally terminate, reflecting the employer dismissing employees fairness of the exercise of power. Some non-public enterprises blind pursuit of economic efficiency and the illegal termination of the contract laborers, seriously affecting the interests of workers. Therefore, whether the agreed termination or statutory release are groping between workers and employers benefit balance. Both to promote a market economy under the rational flow of talent to achieve stable labor relations and promoting the harmonious development of the economy.

    Keywords   Human Resource Management   Labor Contract Termination   Economic Compensation 

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    2 企业员工解聘 1

    2.1 企业员工解聘定义 1

    2.2 企业员工解聘本质及种类 1

    2.3 企业员工解聘负面影响 2

    2.3.1 对企业造成的负面影响 2

    2.3.2 对劳动者产生的负面影响 2

    3 双方协商一致约定解除劳动合同 2

    4 用人单位单方解除劳动合同 3

    4.1 用人单位依法解除劳动合同 3

    4.1.1用人单位有理由解除 3

    4.1.2用人单位有原因解除 3

    4.1.3用人单位经济性裁员 4

    4.2  用人单位违法解除劳动合同 4

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