


    毕业论文关键词  职业生涯发展  培训体系  培训模式

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    The Research Of Training System Grounded   On The Career Development                                                 


    With the rapid development of China's economy, the enterprise becomes more and more. How best to develop human capital, become a focus issue. Domestic awareness of the training system there are many differences and misunderstandings, many corporate training system is not perfect. This article provides an analysis of these differences, difficulties and problems, and the connotation of training systems and components were defined. Career development training will be based on models and strategies, based on performance and competency-based training in three models compared to highlight based on career development of staff training superiority training mode under the system.

    This article to test Jiaye Corporation as the background, trying to build a better industry training system based on career development, and proposed the application of the basic means and measures for enterprise to provide reference for the career-oriented training. 

    Keywords  career development  training system  training mode

    目  次

    1  绪论 5

    1.1  研究的背景和意义 5

    1.2  研究的主要内容 6

    1.3  研究的思路与方法 7

    2  基于职业生涯发展的企业员工培训体系的理论综述 7

    2.1  相关概念的界定 7

    2.2  基于职业生涯发展的培训模式的与其他培训模式的比较 9

    2.3  基于职业生涯发展的企业员工培训的理论支持 11

    3  佳业培训体系现状分析 12

    3.1  佳业及人力资源管理概况 12

    3.2  佳业员工培训体系现状分析 12

    3.3  佳业员工培训体系存在的主要问题及原因 13

    4  佳业基于职业生涯发展的企业员工培训体系的设计 14

    4.1  佳业基于职业生涯发展的企业员工培训体系设计的基本原则 14

    4.2  佳业基于职业生涯发展的企业员工培训体系的构成要素和基本框架 15

    4.3  佳业基于职业生涯发展的企业员工培训体系的基本内容

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