毕业论文关键词: 藏族大学生 文化适应 调查 对策
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Study on Tibetan Undergraduates’ Acculturation: A Case Study of a University in Nanjing
Abstract Under the social background of globalization, a growing number of countries, nations or even inpiduals are facing the cultural dislocation and culture shock bring from social changes. As one of the minorities, the Tibetan undergraduates who study in the mainland are facing the enormous pressure and the serious test as the great changes of the social cultural environment. At the same time, with the rapid development of society, acculturation is very important for people who live in today's society. Therefore, it is urgent for people to think about the problem of cultural adjustment and acculturation.
The objects of the study are Tibetan undergraduates who are studying in a college in Nanjing. This paper takes the daily life, study, human interaction, psychology and so on of them as point of cut-in to make research. Based on questionnaire, casual communication and interview, this paper makes a descriptive analysis of the cultural adjustment and acculturation situation of Tibetan undergraduates. Then this paper analyzes the reasons for cultural adjustment and acculturation situation of Tibetan undergraduates and finds out the main factors. It also puts forward some countermeasures.
Keywords Tibetan Undergraduates Acculturation Research Countermeasures
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.3 研究方法 6
2“我们的故事” 7
2.1. “怎能忘,美丽的西藏” 7
2.2 “在第二故乡” 8
3 “欢聚在南京” 10
3.1 自然环境和日常生活适应 10
3.2 语言和学习的适应 11
3.3 人际交往的适应 12
3.4 风俗习惯的适应 14
3.5 对所在地人文环境的适应 14
4 “我的调查结论” 16
4.1 动机