摘要改革开放三十年以来,市场经济体制得以建设和发展,在西部大开发的功绩之下,当前西藏的经济社会取得了前所未有的突破性发展,特别是西藏拉萨市的发展成功的营造了一个崭新的社会环境,随之也给这个哺育期社会带来众多矛盾,社会冲突频发。经过西藏拉萨市社会形势的转型,道德滑坡现象日益突现,公共意识逐渐淡化,面对经济发展的全球化,人们思想观念多样化,社会矛盾日益激化,道德失范现象频繁等问题的日益突出, 少数人的道德观念发生了扭曲、社会公德建设的机制不完善、社会丑恶现象和腐败现象惩治不严、社会公德建设的环境欠缺。因此,制度完善、道的重建,这是西藏拉萨必须正视的问题。进入现代化西藏的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就但公民道德建设却相对不足,我们应该全面加强道德建设,以道德的力量来速进社会发展,稳定社会秩序,协调人际关系进儿为物质文明和精神文明同步崛起的目标实现铺好和谐之路,建设一个和谐、稳定、安全、文明的拉萨。66407
西藏 社会公德 建设
毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘要
It might look as though cultural psychology as a perspective (or paradigm) and action theory as its preferred theoretical framework are just a lens through which one can look at various empirical data in psychology. But this would be a misunderstanding. It is a way of looking at the world, but not at given data, because data (their gathering as well as their interpretation) already depend upon the perspective taken. Even though I used examples from existing literature, they were all based on qualitative research methods to allow me to make my contextual interpretations; this would have been more difficult with quantitative data.
The perspective we propose is not just relevant to cross-cultural research, but for psychology in general. Culture is central for and unique to humans, and therefore a psychology that claims to deal with humans cannot do without it. It is as simple as that. Culture in this perspective is not an independent variable, but an integral part of psychological processes and structures. It defines the meaning of what and how we think, feel and behave. Therefore psychology cannot do without culture and its meaning systems. This implies that we have to develop theories, which take into account the differences of meaning in different cultures and the underlying deep structure of meaning in culture. Action theory can serve as a step in this direction. But this has many methodical implications. Their detailed treatment is beyond the scope of this contribution, but they will certainly involve a more taken for granted application of qualitative methods. At present the use of qualitative methods has to be justified in every case.
keyword Morality cultural Psychology
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 建设社会公德对西藏的重要意义 1
1.2现代西藏社会公德建设需求 2
2.1 国外对社会公德建设的研究