    Adsorption of chromium by sawdust
    Abstract: Chromium is a kind of heavy metals with white gloss, and Cr (VI) is the most toxic contaminant in aqueous solution. The topic of heavy metals by the agricultural and forestry waster-based biomass attracted much attention in recent years. Sawdust is the common agricultural and forestry waste. In this work,sawdust was selected as the biomass adsorbent. The adsorption of Cr (VI) by sawdust was investigated. This will have a more important practical value in the area of agricultural biomass of heavy metal solution treatment, and it also has greater environmental and social benefits. The influence of initial concentration of Cr (VI), the pH value of solution, the dosage of sawdust and the adsorption time on the adsorption of Cr (VI) by sawdust was analyzed. Moreover, the adsorption isotherm of Cr (VI) by the sawdust was also examined. The experimental results showed that sawdust can adsorption Cr (VI) effectively in some degree. When the initial concentration of Cr (VI) is 5mg/L, the optimum adsorption of Cr (VI) could be obtained with pH 2.0, and the sawdust dosage of 5g/L within 60 min and the adsorption percentage could reach up to 74%.
    Key Words:sawdust;chromium;adsorption;isotherm equation
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
        1.1 课题研究目的与意义    1
            1.1.1 研究目的    1
            1.1.2 研究意义    1
        1.2 国内外研究现状    1
        1.3 农林生物质吸附剂    2
    2 实验部分    3
        2.1 研究工作的前提及条件    3
            2.1.1实验仪器    3
            2.1.2实验试剂    4
            2.1.3 吸附溶液配制及Cr(VI)标准曲线测定    4
        2.2 吸附实验    5
            2.2.1 吸附剂制备    5
            2.2.2 吸附处理方法    6
        2.3 生物质吸附剂吸附数学模型    7
            2.3.1 等温线方程    7
            2.3.2 吸附动力学方程    8
    3 结果与讨论    9
        3.1 吸附时间对Cr(VI)去除率的影响    9
        3.2 初始浓度对Cr(VI)去除率的影响    11
        3.3 木屑投放量对Cr(VI)去除率的影响    13
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