    关键词: 丙烯酸;8-羟基喹啉;铕;镧;三元配合物
     Rare earth ternary complexes of solid-phase synthesis in room temperature
    Abstract:Take rare earth chloride, acrylic acid, eight - hydroxyquinoline as raw material,  we can synthesis the acrylates-8 - hydroxyquinoline europium (III) and acrylates-8 - quinolinolato lanthanum (III) by the method of  solid-phase synthesis in room temperature, and elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis (TG-DTG-DSC-DTA) were characterized. By infrared spectroscopy, acrylates, 8 - hydroxyquinoline europium (III) IR spectrum 8 - hydroxyquinoline ligands special absorption νC = N and νC = C (1480cm-1) are shifted to 1572.85cm-1,1499.28 cm-1, 1466.87cm-1 . In ligand the stretching vibration absorption peak of OH moves 1069.38cm-1, bending vibration absorption peak δO-H (1223cm-1) move to 1205.53cm-1,  and added  a 902.49cm-1 mono-substituted absorption peak of the C = C, By thermal analysis (TG-DTG-DSC-DTA), we can know two kinds of rare earth ternary complexes start to lose crystal water around 120-150 ℃  and at 420 ℃ the complexes decompose violently,about at 600 ℃ rare earth oxides generated after . According to the measured thermal decomposition kinetics of activation energy, the level of derived acrylates- 8 - hydroxyquinoline europium (La) ternary complex thermal decomposition reaction is 0, the activation energy of acrylates-8- hydroxyquinoline europium (III) complexes is Ea = 92.96kJ/mol, and the acrylates-8- quinolinolato lanthanum (III) complexes is Ea = 107.7kJ/mol. When the temperature is below 400 ℃, the thermal stability of the complexes is good. Rare acrylates, 8 - hydroxyquinoline ternary complexes with its good rigidity and high light absorption coefficient is widely used in the preparation of organic complexes of rare earth luminescent materials,and also lay a foundation for the synthesis of rare earth functional polymeric materials research .

    Key words : Acrylic acid;8-hydroxyquinoline;Eu;La;ternary complexes
    1引言    - 1 -
    1.1  固相合成法    - 1 -
    1.1.1  固相化学反应    - 1 -
    1.1.2  固相反应机理    - 1 -
    1.1.3低热固相化学反应的特有规律    - 2 -
    1.1.4固相反应与液相反应的差别    - 3 -
    1.1.5低热固相反应在合成化学中的应用    - 3 -
    1.1.6其他合成方法    - 3 -
    1.2 低热固相合成    - 4 -
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