

    General description of the design
    1 sources of design tasks

    1.1Design background
    A certain industrial zone in Shanghai generates about 50 tons copper wastewater per day. Directly discharge of wastewater will affect the surrounding environment. In order to meet the needs of local environmental work and three simultaneous provision of construction projects, as well as make sure yielding water meet secondary discharge standard of “Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard”(GB8978-1996), we decided to invest in the construction of this package of sewage treatment facilities.

    1.2 Design purpose
    Develop the ability of analyzing and solving problem, as well as learn the basic steps of project design, as well as learn the basic method of design and calculate of  copper wastewater treatment process design, plant horizontal layout and each processing unit structures by completing the design of copper wastewater treatment process.

    2 Design standards

    2.1 design requirements
    Complete copper containing wastewater treatment plant process design and calculation;
    The treated tail water discharged into surface water of five kinds of waters

    2.2 Water quality and processing requirements
    The discharge of waste water containing copper content was 2.09m3/h, wastewater treatment design scale of the 4m3/h project, the treated water quality meets the requirement of "integrated wastewater discharge standard" (GB8978 1996) two level of emission standards, the water quality and emission standards see table 1.

    Project    pH    Cu2+(mg/L)    SS(mg/L)
    Water quality    5    100    45
    Emissions Standards    6~9    0.5    10
    table 1
    2.3 Design range
    (1) copper wastewater into the wastewater treatment field area to the whole process of effluent discharge standards, the design includes the water treatment process, civil engineering, etc.;
    (2) the design of wastewater treatment station is mainly pided into wastewater treatment and sludge treatment and disposal of two parts.

    3 Design principles
    According to the national and local laws and regulations on environmental protection requirements, for effective treatment of wastewater containing copper in industrial area of discharge in the production process, to comply with national and local wastewater discharge standards, environmental and social benefits significantly, so that enterprises in an industrial zone set up the good social image.
    (1) the strict implementation of the provisions on environmental protection, and all the indexes after treatment reached or surpassed the "integrated wastewater discharge standard" (GB8978 1996) two emission standard;
    (2) according to the characteristics of wastewater treatment by the advanced technology and equipment, reasonable, mature, reliable, may play the biggest benefit of investment, with high efficiency and stability of the water treatment facilities and structures, as far as possible to reduce the project cost, combined with the production of an industrial zone, a comprehensive treatment of wastewater;
    (3) the process design and equipment selection to greater flexibility in the production process and control room, can adapt to the change of water quality and quantity, to ensure stable water quality of effluent, emission standards;
    (4) considered the operation automation in operation process, reduce labor intensity, easy to operate, repair;
    (5) the buildings layout reasonable and smooth, reduce noise, eliminate peculiar smell, improve the surrounding environment.

    4 Main design data
    (1) "water pollution control engineering" (Higher Education Press in third edition, edited by Gao Tingyao, 2006 October);
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