    关键词  多氮含能化合物  1,1´-二氧羟基-5,5´-联四唑  合成  工艺
    Title  Design and Synthesis of multiple nitrogen compounds
    Nitrogen-containing compounds of high energy density and low sensitivity is the research direction of novel energetic materials.This paper does the associated design and synthesis work around multi-linked tetrazole nitrogen compounds.
    First, this paper introduces the development of energetic materials today.They are azole compound energetic materials,cluster compounds of nitrogen energetic materials,azide compounds energetic materials, hydrogen and nitrogen energetic materials, triazines energetic materials and the future of researching new energetic materials.
    Second,it introduces that the dichloroglyoxie becomes 1,1'-diaxane-1,1'-diaxa ne-hydroxy-5,5'-linked tetrazle through substitution reaction and cyclization reaction. And then 1,1'-hydroxy-5,5'- dioxo-linked tetrazolyl becomes 5,5'- tetrazole-1,1'-dioxide hydrxylamine salt ,5,5'-tetrazole- 1,1'-dioxide salt and 5,5'-tetrazole-1,1'-dioxide sodium salt through metathesis reaction. We obtained IR spectra of three compounds, and we made comparisons among them.
    Keywords  Multi nitrogen energetic compounds  1,1'-dioxane-hydroxy-5,5'-linked
              tetrazole  Synthesis  Technology
      目   次
    1  绪论1
      1.1  氮杂环含能材料1
    1.2  唑类化合物含能材料1
    1.2.1  三唑类含能化合物1
    1.2.2  四唑类化合物的应用1
    1.2.3  四唑类化合物的应用2
      1.2.4  五唑类含能化合物2
      1.3  氮簇含能材料的研究3
    1.4  叠氮类化合物含能材料的研究3
    1.5  氮氢含能材料的研究4
    1.6  嗪类含能材料的研究4
      1.7  新型含能材料研究方向5
      2  5,5´-联四唑-1,1´-二氧羟胺盐的合成与性能研究7
      2.1  5,5´-联四唑-1,1´-二氧羟胺盐合成背景7
    2.2  实验流程8
      2.3  药品与设备8
      2.4  二氯乙二肟的合成9
      2.5  二叠氮基乙二肟的合成9
    2.6  1,1´-二氧羟基-5,5´-联四唑的合成10
      2.7  5,5´-联四唑-1,1´-二氧羟胺盐(TKX-50)的合成11
      2.8  实验总结12
      3  5,5´-联四唑-1,1´-二氧铵盐的合成13
      3.1  实验流程13
      3.2  药品与设备13
      3.3  由乙二肟制备1,1´-二氧羟基-5,5´-联四唑14
    3.4  由1,1´-二氧羟基-5,5´-联四唑制备5,5´-联四唑-1,1´-二氧铵盐14
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