    Preparation and characterization of synthetic repellent microcapsules
    Abstract :With chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate as wall and mosquito repellent -e as core material, synthetic repellent microcapsules prepared by ion aggregation method. The use of biological microscopes, infrared spectrum testing technology for topographical features microcapsules prepared, particle size, structure and composition were analyzed and characterized. This paper studies the optimal ratio of chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate into a capsule, the proportion of core and wall under normal circumstances, and the influence of PH value, temperature, different molecular weight of the wall material for embedding rate and encapsulation efficiency. The results showed that: the ratio of chitosan and tripolyphosphate into 1:1, chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate full film. With decreasing PH value, the system acidity increases, embedded and embedding efficiency with the slow increasing, when the PH is equal to 5, optimal, after reducing the PH value, embedding rate and packet buried efficiency fall. When changing the temperature of the system, when the temperature reached 50 ℃, encapsulation efficiency and embedding rate is optimal. And when the shells into chitosan oligosaccharide, molecular weight decreases, and sodium tripolyphosphate compound, greatly improving the embedded efficiency of the synthetic of insect microcapsules.
    Keywords: Synthesis of insect repellent; microcapsule; ion coacervation; characterization
    1、绪论    1
    1.1 微胶囊及微胶囊制备技术    1
    1.1.1微胶囊的概述    1
    1.1.2微胶囊壁材的选择    1
    1.1.3微胶囊的制备方法及研究现状与趋势    3
    1.2驱蚊剂    3
    1.2.1驱蚊剂的概述    3
    1.2.2驱蚊剂的选择    4
    1.2.3驱蚊剂的研究现状    4
    1.3合成驱蚊微胶囊    5
    1.3.1合成驱蚊微胶囊的特点    5
    1.3.2合成驱蚊微胶囊的制备    5
    1.3.3合成驱蚊微胶囊的研究现状    6
    2、实验原理和方法    7
    2.1实验原料及仪器    7
    2.1.1实验原料    7
    2.1.2实验仪器    7
    2.2实验原理    8
    2.2.1壳聚糖和三聚磷酸钠反应原理    8
    2.2.2实验工艺流程    8
    2.2.3壳寡糖和三聚磷酸钠反应原理    9
    2.2.4实验工艺流程    10
    2.3实验方法    10
    2.3.1壳聚糖溶于冰醋酸发生质子化反应    11
    2.3.2微胶囊化    11
    2.3.3固化    11
    3、实验设计    12
    3.1实验内容    12
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