


    关键词  环糊精  农药  吸附作用  包合作用


    Title  The effect of pesticide adsorption in soil by cyclodextrins         


    Pesticides are a ubiquitous type of contaminant in environment. They have a potential hazard to aquatic ecosystem and human health. Cyclodextrins containing hydrophobic cavity and hydrophilic exterior, could separate various organic compounds from water, and thus they could be used in the control of contaminated water.

    This paper studies the inclusion complexation, the adsorption of different pesticides and different cyclodextrin by soil, the effect of pesticides adsorption in soil by cyclodextrin.  Results indicated that the addition of cyclodextrin enhanced the amount of pesticides dissolved in solution. Based on adsorption equilibrium, inclusion complexation and mass conservation, a theoretical model of pesticides edistribution was developed to distinguish the effect of cyclodextrin on the adsorption distribution of pesticides. Results indicated that the addition of cyclodextrin weaken the pesticide adsorption in soil ,except that of metholachlor.

    Keywords  Cyclodextrin  Pesticide  Adsorption  Inclusion complexation

     目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究目的与意义 1

    1.2  农药的理化性质及使用现状 1

    1.3  环糊精研究现状 3

    1.4  研究内容与方法 5

    2  材料与方法 7

    2.1  实验材料与仪器 7

    2.2  实验方法及步骤 8

    3  结果与讨论 11

    3.1  环糊精浓度的标准曲线 11

    3.2  等温吸附曲线 11

    3.3  包合常数的测定 13

    3.4  环糊精包合作用对农药吸附作用的影响 15

    结论 20

    致谢 21

    参考文献 22

    1  绪论

    1.1  研究目的与意义


    农药施用过程中,只有20% 作用于农作物,其余的80% 则通过沉降、降雨等方式进入水体以及土壤中,并且通过地表径流进入湖泊,通过河道进入海洋,从而给整个生态系统带来危害。农药长期过量的使用,带来了食品安全、生态环境等诸多方面的问题[1]。

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