

    选用磷酸6 mL、氧化锌0.4 g、硝酸锌1.8 g、硝酸镍3.2 g、50%硝酸锰溶液3.5 mL、柠檬酸2.2 g,软化水加至100 mL,在室温下,制备常温锌系磷化液。室温下,先称取氧化锌0.4 g,再量取磷酸6 mL,使氧化锌溶于磷酸,再依次称取硝酸锌1.8 g、硝酸镍3.2 g、50%硝酸锰溶液3.5 mL、柠檬酸2.2 g,搅拌均匀后,软化水加至100 mL,再搅拌均匀,由此制得磷化液。将钢片浸入新制的磷化液中,浸3小时后,取出,水洗,晾干,在此条件下制得磷化膜。将钢片浸入3%的氯化钠溶液中,观察钢片表面的腐蚀生锈情况,经多次测试得到常温锌系磷化液在钢片上生成的磷化膜的有效的防腐蚀耐生锈时间为 3h41min(即221min),随机,钢片表面开始出现腐蚀生锈迹象。48939



    Development of a phosphate solution

    Abstract: In this paper, the main content is to develop a phosphate solution, and phosphate coating and the development of phosphating solution resulting in a 3% NaCl solution corrosion rust time to do further testing.

    Selection of phosphoric acid 6 mL, zinc oxide 0.4 g, zinc nitrate 1.8 g, nickel nitrate 3.2 g, 50% manganese nitrate solution 3.5 mL, citric acid 2.2 g, demineralized water was added to 100 mL, at room temperature, was prepared at room temperature zinc phosphating solution. At room temperature, the first zinc oxide weighed 0.4 g, and then weighed phosphoric acid 6 mL, zinc oxide dissolved in phosphoric acid, in turn, said to take zinc nitrate 1.8 g, nickel nitrate 3.2 g, 50% manganese nitrate solution 3.5 mL, 2.2 g citric acid , stir, add to 100 mL of demineralized water, then stir, whereby a phosphate solution. The steel sheet was immersed in fresh phosphating solution, after dipping 3 hours, removed, washed, dried, phosphate coating obtained under these conditions. The steel sheet was immersed in a 3% solution of sodium chloride was observed corrosion steel surface rust situation, after several tests are effectively corrosion resistant phosphate coating of zinc phosphating solution at room temperature on a rusty steel produced time is 3h41min (ie, 221min), randomized, steel surface rust corrosion signs began to appear.

    The results show that the selection of phosphoric acid, zinc oxide, zinc nitrate, nickel nitrate, manganese nitrate, 50%, citric acid and preparation of softened water room temperature zinc phosphating solution method is feasible, and had good resistance to corrosion and rust of phosphating film is made of liquid phosphide.

    Key words: phosphating solution;phosphoric acid;steel;phosphate coating;corrosion rust

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  磷化液的由来与现状 2

    1.3  文献综述 3

    1.3.1  磷化液的定义 3

    1.3.2  磷化液的分类 4

    1.3.3  常用无机磷化液 4

    1.3.4  磷化液的构成 5

    1.4  磷化液的研究介绍 5

    1.4.1  磷化液的结构及性质 5

    1.4.2  磷化液的应用

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