
    This design uses the acrolein hydration with an annual production capacity of 9 million tons of 1,3-propanediol production workshop. First, the catalytic oxidation of propylene with water vapor and air to produce the propylene aldehyde. And then get the hydration reaction to get the 3-hydroxyl propylaldehyde, the last step of the reaction is the hydrogenation reaction to produce the 1,3-propanediol. The steps of the acrolein hydration is not so complicated, and its technology is more mature. Production costs including equipment considerations are not too large. The difficulty of each link will not be too high. Production efficiency is ideal. Less by-product and toxic intermediates. The whole reaction can be also recycled. Considering the current situation of the country, it is feasible to adopt this method, and this is in line with China's national conditions.

    This design has referred to following national standards and the stipulation 

    a.Craft system arrangement of equipment design stipulation(HG20570)

    b.Production process dangerous material and adverse factor classification and code(GB/T13816-1992)

    c.Chemical installment piping arrangement design stipulation (HG/T20549) 

    d.Sewage synthesis emissions stipulation(GBJ8978)

    e.Commonly used dangerous chemistry classified standard (GB13690-1992)

    f.Factory fire protection stipulation(GBJ16-1987)

    g.Steeliness pressure vessel(GB150)

    h.In pressure vessel chemical mediator model harm and explosion hazard degree classification(HGJ43-1991)

    i.Shell type heat interchanger standard(GB151)

    Keywords: 1,3-propanediol;Catalytic oxidation reaction;Hydration reaction; Hydrogenation reaction


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 概论 1

    1.2 设计任务的来源 1

    1.3 生产方案 2

    1.3.1 生物 2 葡萄糖微生物发酵法 2 甘油微生物发酵法 2

        1.3.2 环氧乙烷羰基化法 3

    1.3.3 丙烯醛水合加氢法 4

    1.3.4 其他合成法 4

 烯醛缩合法 4 醇醛缩合法 5

    1.4 生产方案的确定 6

    1.5 设计产品所需的主要原材料规格 6

        1.5.1 丙烯 6

    1.5.2 氧气 7

    1.5.3 纯水 7

    1.5.4 3-羟基丙醛 7

    1.5.5 氢气 7

    1.5.6 丙烯醛 8

    1.6 水电气的供应说明 8

    1.7 工作制度劳动定员 8

    2 生产方案的确定 10

    2.1 生产流程的论述 10

    2.2 生产流程图简述 10

    3 工艺计算 11

    3.1 物料恒算 11

    3.1.1 车间日产量的无聊衡算 11

    3.1.2 3-羟基丙醛氢化反应物料衡算 11

    3.1.3 丙烯醛水合反应物料恒算

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