    关键词: 超细干粉, 管内流动, 气固比, 沿程压力损失
    Title  the characteristics about pressure loss in the pipeline of ultra-fine-powder automatic fire extinguishing
    Ultra-fine-powder automatic fire extinguishing as a kind of more advanced type extinguisher, have been widely attention. People are more care of ultra-fine-powder automatic fire extinguishing properties than the characteristics ultra-fine-powder automatic fire extinguishing flowing in the line. At present for the pressure loss characteristic data of ultra-fine-powder extinguisher flowing along in the line is scarce. Therefore, this article in super fine powder extinguisher along the riser pipe flow pressure loss characteristics, and the results are beneficial to the guidance super-fine-powder fire system design.
        Spewing out in certain conditions, in certain Blow conditions, the pressure loss along with the increase in the amount of packing powder decreases and then increases as the nozzle diameter increases with increasing, and the pipe length increases, showing first decreases and then increases. During the experiment found that the injection time by the impact of the loaded amount of powder, the greater the amount of powder, the longer the injection.
    Key words : Ultra-fine-powder, flow in pipe , gas-solid , loss of pressure along the pipe
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 超细粉体的概念和特性    1
    1.2.1 超细干粉灭火剂的灭火机理    1
    1.2.2 超细干粉灭火剂的主要优势[4]    2
    1.2.3 超细干粉的主要应用场所    3
    1.3 超细干粉灭火剂的应用前景    3
    1.4 流体运动沿程损失的讨论    3
    1.5 流体运动沿程阻力损失国内外研究的历史和现状    4
    1.6 总结    5
    1.7 本课题研究方法及目的    5
    1.7.1 研究方法    5
    1.7.2 本论文的主要目的    5
    2 超细干粉沿程压力损失特性的理论分析    7
    2.1超细干粉在管道内的流动    7
    2.3 层流和湍流的特点    9
    2.3.1层流特点    9
    2.3.2湍流特点    9
    2.4 沿程压力损失的计算    10
    2.5 沿程阻力系数λ的计算    10
    2.5.1沿程阻力系数λ的半经验公式    12
    2.5.2沿程阻力系数λ的经验公式    12
    3 沿程压力损失的实验研究    14
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