    Senior Primary School Students independent Reading Problems, Causes and Countermeasures——the elementary school of WenChang
    Abstract: Independent reading is very important to a person's moral cultivation, aesthetic temperament and the formation of a sound personality. It also is the threshold for students to enter the human spiritual world. However, during the participation in WenChang primary school, I found a lot of problems in students, like the not high independent reading interest, the deviation direction in extracurricular reading content, bad reading habits, etc. In this paper, in view of students' independent reading situation investigation in WenChang primary school class one and two, grade 5, there will have analysis of the problems and causes which are mainly from the reading interest, reading time, reading content, reading habits, extracurricular reading guidance of parents and so on through questionnaire investigation and interview method. On this basis, put forward the Suggestions to solve the problem of senior primary school students in independent reading: Inspire the students' independent reading interest; Form a good habit of independent reading; Guide the student to choose appropriate outside reading and urged parents reading guidance for students.
    Keywords: Senior pupils; Independent reading; Problem; Genesis;   Countermeasures
    摘要    1
    一、高年级小学生自主阅读研究设计    1
    (一)调查对象    2
    (二)调查方式    2
    (三)调查内容    3
    二、高年级小学生自主阅读调查结果    3
    (一)调查结果    3
    (二)成因分析    6
    三、解决高年级小学生自主阅读问题的策略    7
    (一)激发学生自主阅读的兴趣    7
    (二)养成学生自主阅读的习惯    7
    (三)引导学生选择合适的课外读物    7
    (四)督促家长对孩子进行阅读指导    8
    参考文献    9
    附录    10
    致谢    12   
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