    The research on the influence of learning community to middle school students’ learning behavior
    Abstract: Learning environment for students is crucial, as in this story, a good learning environment for the activity has a good effect on students' learning. In the learning activities, students would have to contact and interact with the surrounding environment, therefore, "the important influence on students' learning behavior and learning community", has important significance of learning community learning behavior of students. The relationship of family, teachers, friends of the three harmony effectively plays an important role, to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, has important significance to cultivate students' lifelong learning ability, have important reference value for teaching research in middle school. After the inquiry learning activities is how to influence learning behavior, this study from the student's family factors, teacher factors, peer factors investigation and analysis, explore the impact of learning community learning behavior of students, the purpose of this research is to provide reference for family education, to provide suggestions for the students themselves, learning, accumulate data for the school the scientific management of students.
    Key words: Middle school student;Learning community;Learning behavior;The factors influence learning behavior;Learning community relations
    目    录
    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1.提出问题    2
    2.基本概念    2
    2.1学习社群    2
    2.1.1学习社群的内涵    2
    2.1.2学习社群的特点    3
    2.1.3学习社群的要素    3
    2.2学习行为    5
    3“学习社群”对中学生学习行为影响因素的调查与分析    5
    3.1调查的对象与研究方法    5
    3.1.1调查对象    5
    3.1.2研究方法    6
    3.2对学生问卷调查的结果与分析    6
    3.2.1 学生问卷调查结果    6
    3.2.2 对学生调查结果的反思    8
    4构建良好的学习社群关系    8
    4.1构建学生——老师的关系    8
    4.1.1正确的处理学生-老师之间的问题    9
    4.2构建学生——家长的关系    9
    4.2.1有技巧的解决学生-家长之间的问题    10
    4.3构建老师——家长的关系    10
    4.3.1合理的缓解老师-家长之间的矛盾    10
    4.4构建同伴——同伴的关系    11
     4.4.1有耐心的化解同伴-同伴之间的误会    12
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