    摘  要:情感培养是一种使学生身心都达到愉悦状态的教育方式,语文具有实施情感培养的先天优势,既能够引导学生的道德、思想朝着健康向上的方向发展,还能提高人的综合素养,陶冶情操,提高人的沟通与表达能力。文章第一部分对情感培养及初中语文情感培养的内容进行介绍;第二部分分析初中语文教学中情感培养的重要性;第三部分谈初中语文教学情感培养存在的问题,即初中语文教师情感素养不够高,初中语文地位尴尬,未受到足够重视,初中语文教学情感培养方式不当;第四部分针对初中语文教学情感培养提出具体措施,如提高初中语文教师的情感素养,完善升学体制,挖掘学生自身情感因素,丰富教学手段和情感培养渠道。34560
    Emotional education of junior high school language teaching
         Abstract:Emotional cultivation is a state of students body and mind are at pleasure way of education, the language has the congenital advantage of the training of emotion, is to guide students to moral, thoughts in the direction of the healthy development, also can improve the comprehensive quality of people, edify sentiment, improve communication and presentation skills. The first part of the article to cultivate emotions, and introduces the content of the junior middle school Chinese emotional cultivation; The second part analyses the importance of emotional cultivation in the junior middle school Chinese teaching. The third part talk about problems in junior middle school Chinese teaching emotional cultivation, namely the junior middle school Chinese teachers' emotional quality is not high, junior middle school language an awkward, not enough attention, the improper junior middle school Chinese teaching emotional cultivation; The fourth part in view of the junior middle school Chinese teaching emotional cultivation put forward specific measures, such as improving junior middle school Chinese teachers' emotion quality, perfect entrance system, students' emotional factors, abundant teaching means and emotional cultivation channels.
    Key Words:Junior middle school;The teaching of Chinese;Emotional cultivation;The problem;Measures
     目        录
    摘  要1
    Abstract …1
    前言… 2
    一、初中语文情感培养理论概述… 2
     (一) 有利于初中生身心全面健康发展…3
     (二) 是初中语文教学新课改的要求4
     (三)有利于学生语文学习兴趣的培养… 4
    (一) 部分初中语文教师情感素养不够高 5
       (二)初中语文地位尴尬,未受到足够重视 …5
    (三)初中语文教学中某些情感培养方式不当  6
    四、初中语文教学情感培养的措施 6
    (一)提高初中语文教师的情感素养  6
    (二)完善升学体制,挖掘学生自身情感因素  7
    参考文献 8
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