    The Investigation of Present Situation of Pupils Extracurricular Reading
    Abstract: the new curriculum standards of primary school Chinese language teaching should cultivate the students a wide range of interest in reading, expand the reading surface, increasing the amount of reading, advocate less problem, read more books, good reading, read good books, read the whole book, encourage students to choose reading materials, so reading is very important. With the convenient condition in primary school practice, mainly adopts the questionnaire for the students of grade three to five were investigated. The survey mainly involves the interest in reading, reading time, reading content, reading motivation, reading habit, reading method, the support and guidance of parents etc.
    Through the questionnaire survey found that most students prefer to read, but not enough strong, reading is narrow, utilitarian heart is strong, parents and teachers are not attach enough importance to reading. To solve these problems mainly suggest changing ideas, creating the environment, recommending reading, strengthening the guidance.
    Keywords: Elementary student; Extracurricular reading actuality; Problem; Advice
    目 录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、研究设计    2
    (一)调查对象    2
    (二)调查方法    2
    (三)调查内容    2
    二、调查结果及分析    2
    (一)阅读兴趣    2
    (二)阅读时间    2
    (三)阅读内容    2
    (四)阅读动机    3
    (五)阅读习惯    3
    (751)阅读方法    3
    (七)家长的指导    4
    三、存在的问题    4
    (一)阅读兴趣不够浓    4
    (二)阅读内容的功利性、娱乐性    4
    (三)阅读计划性不强    4
    (四)父母缺乏支持和指导    5
    四、改进建议    5
    (一)转变教育观念    5
    (二)创造阅读氛围    5
    (三)推荐优秀读物    6
    (四)加强阅读指导    6
    结语    7
    参考文献    8
    附录    9
    致谢    11
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