Abstract: Teachers and students is the most basic elements of the educational and teaching activities, and in many of the relations between the school education , the most fundamental relationship is the relationship between teachers and students. Based on the analysis of problems and main causes of the current teacher-student relationship, combined with significance of the traditional teacher-student relationship in the modern society, develop democracy, building a new relationship between teachers and students, establish a democracy, equality, new relationship between teachers and students on the worlds and cooperation in the era of the requirements. At the same time, it also provides a solid basis for my teaching career .
Keywords:New type, the relationship between teachers and students, Construction strategy
目 录
1 前言 3
2 师生关系存在的问题及成因·· 3
2.1 忽略个性发展·· 3
2.2 教师专制·· 4
2.3 专业知识与修养的缺失·· 4
2.4 教育不公·· 4
2.5 法律意识薄弱·· 4
3 传统师生关系对现代的借鉴意义·· 4
3.1 师道尊严·· 5
3.2 有教无类·· 5
3.3 教学相长·· 5
3.4 尊师爱生·· 5
3.5 民主平等·· 6
3.6 学生为本·· 6
4 新型师生关系的建构策略 6
4.1 树立正确的师生观·· 7
4.2 建立平等的交往方式 7
4.3 师生民主相处·· 7
4.4 继承与发展“师道尊严”· 8
4.5 提高专业知识与修养 8
4.6 提高法制意识,保护学生的合法权益·· 8
结论·· 9
参考文献·· 10
1 前言