
    Abstract A harmonious classroom is not only the basis to arouse the life vitality of students, but also the fertile soil to develop creative talents. This paper stands on the theory of humanism and talks about the relationship between language classroom and English language learning. This paper points out that one harmonious language classroom is essential to improve teaching efficiency and develop students’ creativity. During the process of building a harmonious language classroom, teachers should adhere to the principles of student-centeredness, establishing the equal relationship between teachers and students and using teaching methods flexibly and so on. During the teaching process, teachers should use teaching strategies well, which requires teachers to focus on students' emotion, to establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students and to use situational approaches and affective teaching methods. As a result, it will promote students' language learning and improve the effectiveness of English classroom teaching.58446

    Keywords: humanism; harmonious classroom; teaching strategies

    摘要和谐的氛围是唤醒学生生命活力的基础也是培养创造性人才的沃土。本文基于人本主义理论,分析了和谐语言课堂与英语学习的关系。本文认为和谐的英语课堂有助于提高课堂教学效率,培养学生创造性思维。在构建和谐英语课堂过程中,教师应坚持以学生为中心,建立平等的师生关系,教学方法灵活等原则。同时在教学过程中,教师要运用好教学策略,包括关注学生的情感、建立和谐师生关系以及运用情景教学法和情感教学法, 以便促进学生的语言学习,提高英语课堂教学效果。


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Humanism in Language Education 2

    3.1 The Theory of Humanism 2

    3.2 Student -centered Teaching 3

    3.3 Humanity in English Classroom 4

    4. Impact of Harmonious Classroom on Language Learning 4

    4.1 Harmonious Language Learning Classroom 4

    4.2 Making Students More Active 5

    4.3 Developing Students’ Creativity 6

    5. Principles of Creating Harmonious Language Classroom 6

    5.1 Sustainable Development 6

    5.2 Equal conversation 7

    5.3 Student-Centeredness 7

    5.4 Diversity of Teaching Methods 8

    6. Strageties for Creating Harmonious Language Classroom 9

    6.1 Establishing a Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students. 9

    6.2 Employing Situational Approaches 10

    6.3 Using Affective Methods 11

    7. Conclusion 11

    Works Cited 12

    1. Introduction 

    As the organic and important cornerstone of social development, education must adapt to the development. During recent years, the concept of harmonious society has been discussed heatedly, so the harmony of education has also raised many scholars’ attention. Under this background, many education experts put forward the concept of harmonious language classroom. In the practical English teaching, it still has a lot to be desired. As for the teaching content, degree of the secondary development and use of teaching materials is not enough. Many teachers tend to pass on English knowledge instead of paying attention to the dominant position of students. The time that teachers give to the students in language practice is limited due to a chain of reasons and limitation. Some classrooms are even the halls of the phrase. Sometimes we overemphasize the teacher’s dignity, but if we want to build a harmonious English classroom, the teacher must try to desalinate their authority and to show their respect for the students with full sincerity. In addition, the teachers’ plan about the textbook is often not well-organized. Some serious problems are obvious. For example, the teachers hold superstition about the teaching materials, they just repeat what the books say. It can be seen in a common phenomenon in classroom that the need of students is often neglected, when a student gives a wrong answer, some teachers may criticize the student. The activity of students in language classroom is constrained. 

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