

    毕业论文关键词:师生  班级管理  沟通 

    Abstract: The relationship of teachers and students is one of the most basic life relationships. Harmonious relationship of teachers and students is the key to success in education. It is beneficial to develop students' moral character, intelligence and ability. Communication is an important means to achieve the educational goals in school. It can also meet the educational requirements to achieve the ideal of education. How to communicate between teachers and students? It determines the degree of educational effectiveness. A good class needs good communication between teachers and students. Teachers' lack of communication with the children will cause many problems. It will cause the distance between children and teachers. Also it can cause disharmony between teachers and students. Therefore teacher is a leader to teach and contact with students and become the closest person. Thus, to grasp the essence of a good education will teach activities in relationship of teachers and students. Good communication and interaction between teachers and students can particularly be necessary. Only smooth communication between teachers and students will be interactive reasonable. Education of teachers must carry out the effectively teaching. In order to achieve effective management of the class group, we must have harmonious relationship between teachers and students. Therefore, to analyze the reasons of school’s teachers and students , we can communicate daily classroom management problems and cope strategies for improving relationship of teachers and students. Teachers and students will promote the development. It is an important meaning for us to promote the education in school.

    Keywords:Teacher and student  Class Management  Communication





    3.2根据调查报告 分析师生间的沟通状况原因······7


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