Abstract: While people’s living standards improves continuously, social stratification and education are becoming the focus of attention. In the same educational environment, students of different classes have different quality rendering. In this paper, using the method of questionnaire, with a sample of sixth grade school, through a comprehensive of self-assessment, parent assessment and teacher assessment, writer evaluate students’ quality in moral, civic literacy, learning, communication and cooperation, sports and health, aesthetic and performance. Writer also investigated the parents’ professional background, educational background and income background, contacted and analyzed with all aspects of the qualities of students, found that there is an obvious correlation of the quality of students and their family background, and there are differences in the degree of the influence of different background factors.
Keywords: Student Selectivity, Family Background, Correlation
1绪论 4
1.1研究背景与意义 4
1.2相关概念的界定 4
1.2.1学生素质 4
1.2.2家庭背景 5
1.3研究方法 5
2 学生素质与家庭职业背景的关系 6
2.1家庭职业背景的人口学特征 6
2.2学生素质与家庭职业背景关系的描述性分析 7
3 学生素质与家庭学历背景的关系 9
3.1 家庭学历背景的人口学特征 9
3.2学生素质与学历背景关系的描述性分析 10
4 学生素质与家庭收入背景的关系 11
4.1家庭收入背景的人口学特征 11
4.2学生素质与家庭收入背景关系的描述性分析 12
讨论 13
参考文献 14
附录 15
1 绪论