
    摘  要:小学生受制于年龄和认知程度以及心理发展水平的影响和制约,他们的依赖性很强,特别缺乏自主性、探索性、合作意识。因此,小学生自主性、探索性、合作意识的培养,要结合小学生在学校的课堂学习来开展,使对小学生的自主性、探索性、合作意识培养的探究,与当前实施的小学素质教育、创新精神和实践能力培养结合起来,这样既可以让小学生得到生动活泼、主动发展的机会,也适应我国进行新一轮基础教育课程改革的需求,为小学生的终身学习和发展建立良好的基础。60687


    毕业论文关键词:小学生, 自主 ,探究, 合作

    Abstract:Pupil is subject to age and cognitive level and the influence of psychological development level and restrict, their dependence is very strong, especially lack of autonomy, probing and cooperation consciousness. , therefore, the cultivation of student autonomy, probing and cooperation, to combine classroom learning of pupils in the school in order to develop and make the elementary student's autonomy, probing and cooperation consciousness cultivation of exploration, and the current implementation of elementary school quality education, innovative spirit and practice ability training, this can let pupils get lively, active development opportunities, and meet the demands of a new round of basic education curriculum reform in our country, as the elementary student's lifelong learning and development to establish a good foundation. 

    In this paper, the comprehensive domestic and foreign experts and scholars on "elementary school students autonomous, inquiry and cooperative learning" connotation, this paper analyzed influence "elementary school students autonomous, inquiry and cooperative learning", and the students learning research and analysis of the status of the investigation, inside and outside to explore elementary school students in the class and education in the family in autonomous, inquiry and cooperative learning in practice. 

    Key words : pupils ,self-regulated learning, research ,cooperation

    1 前言 1

    2  关于自主,探究,合作学习的理论现状与基础 3

    2.1  理论现状 3

    2.2  自主,探究,合作学习的理论基础 5

    3  影响自主,探究,合作学习的因素 8

    3.1  学校因素 8

    3.2  家庭因素 8

    3.3  社会因素 8

    3.4  个人因素 8

    4  自主,探究,合作学习的调查分析 9

    4.1  小学生自主,探究,合作学习普遍不足 9

    4.2  志向水平影响学习动力 10

    4.3  不同阶段的自主学习特点 10

    5  提高自主,探究,合作学习效率的对策研究 10

    5.1  根据个体差异,做好课内学习引导 10

    5.2  利用教学技能,创造课内学习条件 11

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