    毕业论文关键词  中越经贸合作  战略互信  南海问题   中越自由贸易区
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  Discussion on the development prospects of China strategic mutual trust and the relations of economic and trade with Vietnam.
      Since the normalization of relations between China and Vietnam in 1991, the two sides have developed rapidly in all kinds of cooperation projects based on friendship and mutual benefit principles. Economy and trade between the two countries continued to grow. Although under the influence of the world economic crisis, the bilateral trade between China and Vietnam was still in a good momentum of development, mutual investment increased rapidly, economic and technical cooperation forged ahead, labor export had the development trend, the economic and trade relations between the two countries continued to strengthen. For a long time, the economic and trade cooperation between China and Vietnam developed well, and China has become Vietnam's largest trading partner. But in recent years, the disputes over islands in the South China Sea have resulted in severe risks for Sino-Vietnam economic and trade cooperation. This topic by tracing the history of economic and trade cooperation between China and Vietnam, and the problems in the economic and trade cooperation at this stage, describes the necessity to regain the strategic mutual trust in China and Vietnam, and explore the feasibility of room for growth in the economic and trade cooperation between China and Vietnam, prospects for the economic and trade development of China and Vietnam in the future. The main contents of the paper include: the historical development of Sino-Vietnam economic and trade cooperation; the realities and problems of Sino-Vietnam trade and economic cooperation; feasibility and necessity of strategic trust in China and Vietnam; strategies and prospects for Sino-Vietnam economic and trade cooperation.
     Key words: Sino-Vietnam economic and trade cooperation  Strategic mutual trust  The South China Sea issue  Sino-Vietnam Free Trade Zone
     目   次
    1  引言1
    1.1  研究背景  1
    1.2  研究目的与意义  1
    1.3  相关研究综述2
         1.3.1 中国与越南的经贸关系 现状与存在的问题2
         1.3.2  中越经贸关系3
    2  中国-越南经贸合作的历史演变  4
    2.1  起源 4
    2.2  发展历程 4
    2.2.1  二战后到1991年4
    2.2.2  1991年至今 5 
    2.3  CAFTA合作中中越两国的地位与作用5
    3  中国越南经济贸易合作的现状和问题6
    3.1  两国的商品结构和贸易规模6
    3.2  中越经济与金融合作现状7
    3.2.1 中国对越南的直接投资 7
    3.2.2  中越贸易总额迅速增长8
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