


    Shanghai Disney construction on its surroundings the impact of commodity residential house prices

    Abstract:Based on the systematic investigation and consulting a lot of literature, this paper discusses the causes, influencing factors and forecasting methods of the price of commercial housing. Through the practical research and Shanghai Disney merchandise housing price data collection, data processing for data collection, and to illustrate the visual picture of the trend, Shanghai and Disney surrounding commercial housing development present situation analysis. Based on the surrounding area environment of Disney Park in Shanghai, the price change law and its main influencing factors of some typical commercial residential buildings in this area are studied and analyzed. In the understanding and comparison of the six commonly used commercial housing price forecasting methods,based on the time series method and long-term trend forecast Shanghai Disney surrounding commercial housing trend in the next period of time.

    Keyword:Commodity housing price; influence factor; time series method; long term trend method

    目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究目的 1

    1.3 研究现状 1

    1.4 研究内容与论文结构 2

    1.5 研究方法 4

    2 房地产市场概括 6

    2.1 基本定义及其分类 6

    2.2 房地产市场特点 6

    3 商品住宅价格及其影响因素 7

    3.1 商品住宅的含义 7

    3.2 商品住宅价格的构成 7

    3.3 上海近年来商品住宅价格情况 7

    3.4 商品住宅价格的影响因素 8

    3.4.1 供求因素 8

    3.4.2 一般因素 11

    3.4.3 区位因素 13

    3.5 本章小结 15

    4 商品住宅价格预测方法 16

      4.1 市场法 16

    4.1.1 方法简述 16

    4.1.2 适用对象 16

    4.1.3 操作步骤 16

      4.2 收益法 16

    4.2.1 方法简述 17

    4.2.2 适用对象 17

    4.2.3 操作步骤 17

      4.3 成本法

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