毕业论文关键词:第三方支付企业; 跨境外汇管理;跨境电子商务47361
Abstract Economic globalization spawned the development of cross-border e-commerce, at the same time; it also brings the rapid development of third party payment agencies. The user through the third-party payment platform for electronic payment gradually become the trend of future development and hot, however, whether it is cross-border e-commerce or the regulatory system are not very mature. Therefore, the article base on third-party payment enterprise cross-border foreign exchange control .According to the current status of development ,analysis of challenge which exist in the foreign exchange management of third-party payment companies and how to solve these problems . In the end, I hope there opinions can help third-party payment companies when dealing with cross-border foreign exchange management issues.
Keyword: Third-party payment companies;Cross-border exchange management;cross-border commerce
目 录
1、引言 4
1.1选题背景和意义 4
1.2研究内容 5
1.3研究方法: 5
1.4本文创新点 6
3、跨境电子商务发展现状与未来的发展趋势 8
4、第三方支付企业在进行跨境业务时面对外汇管理的现状研究 9
4.1第三方支付企业发展的现状 9
4.2第三方支付企业未来发展的趋势 10
4.3跨境支付对第三方支付企业带来的机遇 10
4.4跨境外汇管理对整个第三方支付行业带来的挑战 10
4.4.1政策风险 11
4.4.2金融风险 11
4.4.3监管风险 12
5、支付宝案例分析 12
5.1支付宝存在的问题 13
5.1.1国际结算虚拟账户和资金沉淀风险 13
5.1.2国际信用卡套现风险 13
5.1.3资金非法流入和洗钱风险 13
5.2 针对支付宝存在的问题提出对策 14
5.2.1支付宝应建立客户、商家认证机制 14
5.2.2支付宝应加强网络平台的建设,提高对跨境交易资金的检测水平 14
5.2.3支付宝如何处理沉淀资金 14
5.2.4加强与政府相关部门(如外汇管理局、工商局、海关、外经贸等监管部门)以及商业银行的协助配合 15