

    Abstract :In recent years, technical barriers to trade continuously developed. TBT not only has short-term impact, but also has long-term effects. Currently agriculture is still one of industries that seriously affected by TBT. So it’s very important to study TBT double effect to the exports of Chinese agricultural products. This article selects Chinese agricultural products as the research object. In this article, firstly, I analyze the export situation of agricultural products under the TBT and find that a decline in exports quantity, export prices rise, but competitiveness did not fall, so maybe there are double effects of TBT to the exports of Chinese agricultural products. Then I analyzed the double impact of TBT theoretically, on the one hand ,the impact of TBT on the export scale; on the other hand is the potential impact of TBT to enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products. The premise of potential impact of TBT to enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products is TBT can promote agricultural technological progress, so, I using multiple regression to analyze the effect of TBT on technological progress. In this Paper, I use the technological advances in agriculture produce, technical standard and TBT data from 2000-2013 to empirical analysis and establish the model . The result shows Technical Barriers to Trade don’t have significant impact to technological advances in agriculture. Then I analyze the reasons for their non-significant. Finally, I propose solutions to make TBT promote agricultural technological progress and improve the competitiveness of agricultural products.

    毕业论文关键词:技术性贸易壁垒; 农产品; 双重影响; 技术进步; 多元回归 

    Keywords:  TBT; agriculture Produce; Double impact; Technological advances; Multiple Regression

    目    录

    一、引言 5

    (一)研究背景与意义 5

    (二)研究内容 5

    (三)研究方法 5

    二、文献综述 6

    (一)关于技术性贸易壁垒的定义和性质的研究 6

    (二)关于技术性贸易壁垒影响的定性研究 6


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