


    The Analysis of Exhibition spreading science and technology information on the firm age

    Abstract: Exhibition industry developed rapidly in china,not only can generate considerable economic benefits, but also played a huge role in the spread of science and technology information, so the exhibition industry becomes more and more important for people. While China's exhibition industry started relatively late, compared with the developed countries of the exhibition industry, although some achievements have been made, but there are still many deficiencies. So searching and making use of the potential force of China's exhibition industry will become one of the most important factors to enhance its competitiveness in the international status. This study aimed to provide an effective basis about the potential links between the asset scale of exhibitor and the influence of the exhibition on its PR for exhibitors and organizers and to make them focus on the importance and potential force of expanding the influence of exhibitions. Through the questionnaires of the exhibitors at exhibitions, we analyzed the collected data of them. What’s more, SPSS software was used to analyze the data through Reliability analysis, One-Way ANOVA analysis, Cross-analysis and Least Significant Difference analysis in order to make the results of the survey more scientific, more reliable and more accurate.

    Key Words: Exhibition ;exhibitors ;Enterprise age analysis

    目 录

    引 言 1

    一、绪论 2

    (一) 研究背景和意义 2

    1. 课题的研究背景 2

    2. 课题的研究意义 3

    (二) 研究的现状和发展趋势 3

    1. 课题的研究现状 3

    2. 课题的研究发展趋势 4

    二、会展活动传播科技信息的企业年龄分析的调查问卷 4

    (一) 调查方法 4

    (二) 数据分析方法 4

    1. 信度分析 5

    2. 单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA) 5

    3. 交叉分析 5

    4. 最小显著性差异法(LSD) 6

    (三) 样本分布 6

    (四) 分析报告 7

    1. 会展活动对不同年龄企业传播科技信息的单因素方差分析

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