The Internet financial boom comes. As one important kind of the Internet financial enterprises,the P2P lending network platfrom industry is developing fast,which shows its number is rising and its turnover scale is becoming larger. But there are many significant problems like high risk and lacking of supervision which lead to the platform collapsing in the process of its development. This paper takes RenRenDai as an example to research its the operating conditions, find its problems and give the reason of these problems,so as to give some advises for the sustainable development of the P2P lending network industry in our country .
Keyword: P2P lending platform; RenRenDai; Exiting problem;Regulation
一、引言 4
(一)研究背景及意义 4
(二)研究内容 4
(三)研究方法 4
(四)本文创新点 5
(一)关于P2P平台行业现状的研究 5
(二)关于P2P网贷平台问题的研究 5
(三)关于P2P行业对策的研究 6
(四)研究存在的问题 6
三、国内P2P网贷行业发展特征 6
(一)从信息中介转为信用中介 6
(二)缺少法律约束与政府监管 7
(三)中小规模平台数量占比大 7
四、人人贷运营模式及发展现状 8
(一)运营模式 8
1.标的类型 8
2.具体机制 8
(二)运营指标 9
1.平均借款利率 9
2.平均借款期限 9
3.杠杆比例 10
五、人人贷发展存在问题 11
(一)贷前问题 11
1.经营风险 11
2.标的风险 11
3.信用风险 12
(二)贷中问题 12
1.资金托管 12
2.资金流动性 13
(三)贷后催收问题 13
(四)平台建设问题 13
1.信息透明度 13
2.网站安全 14
六、促进P2P网贷行业持续发展的对策 14