

    Abstract  With the popularity of the Internet and the rapid development of private lending spawned new Internet mode - peer-to-peer (P2P) network. P2P network is actually a loan will spare part of the funds to fully use and configuration, for the small and medium-sized enterprises and inpiduals to provide more convenient and faster. P2P network credit platform development in full swing, the current domestic P2P network platform has been more than 2000 loan, every month has new platform was created. Under this development momentum, the P2P network loan threshold is low, the development period, there is no perfect management mechanism, combined with the government's emphasis on its protocols is not enough, there would be no response of the government institutions and laws and regulations to regulate and protect the development of this emerging industry, so in P2P network credit risk exist in the industry is inevitable. Mainly from internal and external risks, internal risks including risk guarantee mode, the borrower risk, the risk of their own platform; External risk mainly including legal policy risk, market risk, etc. Against these risks, we should formulate the corresponding risk control mechanism, and several responsibility guarantee agency cooperation, establishment of credit evaluation system, establishing the risk reserve, strengthen the ability to predict in advance, formulate corresponding management institutions and legal policy and establish a self-discipline organization mechanism can be effective prevention and control of P2P network platform now brings the risk of loan.


    Keyword:P2P network platform;Current situation of the development;Platform risk;Internal control;Legal policy

    目  录

    一、引言 4

    (一)、选题背景与意义 4

    (二)、研究内容 4

    (三)、研究方法 5

    (四)、技术路线 5

    (五)本文的创新点 5

    二、相关理论综述 6

    (一)、关于内部防控研究 6

    (二)、关于外部防控研究 6

    (三)、民间借贷的含义 7

    (四)、P2P网贷的含义 7

    三、P2P网贷平台发展的现状 8


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