




    Wine is an important export commodity in Shaoxing, after China's accession to WTO, wine exports have increased significantly. In the increasingly fierce market competition and globalization, the gradual deepening of the pision of background, survival and development of China's wine industry for the industry's competitiveness in the international arena have a greater role in attachment. But now Chinese rice wine industry due to the long lineage of traditional crafts, small-scale production, lack of product innovation, homogeneous competition in serious problems, export of Shaoxing rice wine there are many problems facing many difficulties. Issues of export of rice wine, rice wine is the key to break through the bottleneck of the development, but also the modernization and international needs.

    Firstly, a review of the relevant theoretical literature on export competitiveness, noting that the concept of export competitiveness, an overview of export competitiveness index and influencing factors; Second, from the trading environment, market share, export prices three aspects of the current situation of export of Shaoxing rice wine for analysis, and unfavorable conditions favorable wine exports; followed by three main indicators of international market share, trade competitiveness index and revealed comparative advantage index based on export competitiveness evaluation after a review of the relevant data for empirical Shaoxing rice wine exports analysis; and then use Porter's diamond theory from six aspects influencing factors Shaoxing rice wine exports are analyzed. Finally, countermeasures and suggestions to improve the export competitiveness of Shaoxing rice wine.

    Key words:Shaoxing rice wine; Export competitiveness; Competitiveness Index; Diamond Theory

    目 录

    摘要 2

    Abstract 2

    1.绪论 6

    1.1研究的背景和意义 6

    1.2研究思路与研究框架 6

    1.3研究工具与研究方法 7

    2.出口竞争力概述 8

    2.1出口竞争力的概念 8

    2.2出口竞争力的评价指标 8

    2.3出口竞争力的影响因素 9


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