


    Abstract: in the background of an aging population, Huaian city is facing the huge pressure of pension. Huaian city social pension service system construction in the initial stage, existing problems and the contradiction between supply and demand, the facility layout planning is not reasonable, management and operation mechanism is not standard, the implementation of preferential policies such as the lack of strength. Due to the lack of Huaian, facing the pension service and product supply market development is not perfect, unbalanced development between urban and rural areas, the property rights system, not enough beds, disposal of property and the concept of challenges and problems are also very prominent, also bring obstacles to the implementation of the pension model. With Huaian's aging problemincreasingly, should establish and improve the update based home care welfare pluralism system traditional way of  pension concept innovation, wisdom pension service system development of multi-level, multi-faceted, form the market servicein welfare services,non-profit and public service, complementary pattern, to meet the actual needs of the elderly population.



    1 引言 4

    2 淮安市养老服务业现状分析 4

    3 模型分析 5

    4 现有常见养老方式介绍 9

    4.1 以房养老 9

    4.2居家养老 10

    4.3 智慧养老 12

    5 促进淮安老年服务业发展的有效措施 12

    结论 15

    参考文献 16

    致谢 17

    1 引言


    2 淮安市养老服务业现状分析    


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