

    毕业论文关键词: 宝钢;对外贸易;转型;SWOT

    The Research on Transformation Issues of Baosteel 's Foreign Trade

    Abstract: China's iron and steel central enterprises carry the historical mission of China's iron and steel industry sustainable development, in China's steel industry into the era of low-profit era, the transformation of foreign trade has become China's iron and steel enterprises to maintain competitiveness of the inevitable choice of the face of the domestic economy "new The "strategic period" of Baosteel Co., Ltd., which should choose what kind of foreign trade transformation has become an urgent problem to be solved by Baosteel Company. Therefore, this paper is based on the analysis of the existing research results at home and abroad. This paper introduces the development process of Baosteel's foreign trade, including the transformation of Baosteel in foreign trade in recent years, and then analyzes the foreign trade of Baosteel by SWOT analysis. Through the threat, opportunity and advantage of Baosteel's foreign trade And the analysis and discussion of the disadvantages, pointing out the necessity of Baosteel's foreign trade transformation and determining the strategic direction of Baosteel's foreign trade transformation.

    Key Words: Bao Steel; foreign trade; transformation;SWOT


    目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一) 研究背景 1

    (二) 研究的目的与意义 1

    1、 研究的目的 1

    2、 研究意义 2

    (三) 文献综述 2

    (四) 主要研究内容 4

    二、对外贸易转型理论基础——SWOT分析模型 5

    (一) SWOT分析理论的主要内容 5

    (二) SWOT分析法的应用范围和意义 5

    三、宝钢对外贸易转型的历史回顾 6

    (一) 宝钢转型的历史回顾 6

    1、 互联网方面的转型——欧冶云商 6

    2、 在环保方面的转型——绿色制造、绿色产品、绿色产业 7

    3、 新商业模式方面的转变——由制造向服务转变 8

    (二) 宝钢转型过程中存在的问题 8

    四、宝钢对外贸易的SWOT分析 11

    (一) 宝钢对外贸易的优势探讨 11

    1、 产品与服务优势突出

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