    【关 键 词】  应用软件远程部署,监控,Android,.NET,可用性 ,实时性
    The traditional way to deploy applications in the medical field in general are purely artificial, and most major medical software developers to implement specialized personnel sent to the hospital on-site implementation, installation software deployment by one device, this embodiment of the amount larger medical products, such as wireless electronic bedside card, each bed is equipped with such a device, deployment workload will become quite large, deployment process will spend a lot of time, late in the project still requires specialized personnel Permanent hospital maintenance and management products, a certain degree of influence on the rest and treatment of patients. How to achieve fast and efficient deployment of applications in the medical field to become software developers need to solve the problem.
    This paper focuses on the realization of the medical device industry application software deployment and management of intelligent mobile Internet while integrated current trends and Android systems are widely used, and system-friendliness, study and implement a system based on Android-based terminals. NET framework service side of the medical industry applications deployed on equipment maintenance system, including software, silent upgrades, equipment condition monitoring, burglar alarm reminders each subsystem, to a certain extent, solve the medical field deployment in enterprise systems based on Android applications software inefficient problem of high costs and, finally, the system functional test and the initial performance test. The results show that the system has good availability and timeliness.
    【Key Words】Remote deployment, Monitor, Android,.NET, Real-time, Availability
    【Thesis Type】Application Research
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iv
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题来源及背景    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3    发展趋势    2
    2    分析    4
    2.1    基础理论与技术分析    4
    2.1.1    Android体系结构分析    4
    2.1.2    Android组件运行机制分析    5
    2.1.3    Android线程间的通信原理机制分析    8
    2.1.4    三层架构软件设计分析    8
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