    健身俱乐部管理系统正是适应了这一需求,经过实际的需求分析,我们采用了Java技术和SQL server 2005数据库管理系统作为工具进行开发。整个系统服务于管理员、俱乐部会员两种不同的用户。操作简便、界面美观、灵活实用,设计开发出会员管理、健身产品、健身器械管理、项目管理、新闻管理、健身课程管理等功能,基本满足了俱乐部实际的需要。21255
    关键词: 健身俱乐部  数据库  Java  SQL Sever 2005
    .Abstract: Since the 2008 Beijing Olympics, people's health awareness has also been strengthened, but the limitations of the city, so that more people have no place to exercise, so the health club as a professional fitness services industry, more and more people are being selection. already more and more received people's favor. Expands unceasingly along with own scale, customer quantity's increase, the traditional management pattern has not been able to adapt the modern fitness organization trend of development, stemming from carries on the management and the service well to the customer, raises the staff working efficiency, reduces the managed cost and so on various consideration, it is necessary through the modernized science and technology method, establishes the perfect customer automation management system management system, through the automated client management method, promotes the club scale, the convenient customer service, the expanded service scale, provides the specialized fitness service for the customer, the implementation specialization, the scientific management.
    Fitness club management system is adapted to the needs, after the actual demand analysis, we used the Java technology and SQL server 2005 database management system as a tool for development. Serve the entire system administrators, club members are two different users. Simple, beautiful interface, flexible and practical, designed to develop a membership management, fitness products, fitness equipment management, project management, information management, fitness classes and management functions, basically meet the actual needs of the club. This paper describes the development background of the topic, complete the function and development process, and highlights the development of design ideas, technical difficulties and solutions.
    Key words:  Fitness club ;Database;Java; SQL Sever 2005
    目    录
    1、前言    5
    1.1课题背景、研究目的及意义    5
    1.1.2 课题研究的目的及意义    7
    1.1.3 课题发展前景及趋势    9
    1.2 课题内容简介    10
    1.3 课题调研及可行性分析    11
    1.3.1 课题调研    11
    1.3.2 可行性分析    11
    1.4 本文组织结构    12
    2、系统需求分析    13
    2.1 系统功能分析    13
    2.2 业务流、数据字典    14
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