    毕业论文关键词: 企业资源计划;信息;信息技术;信息化;信息化管理
    Enterprise Information Management ERP-based applied research
    Abstract:In the increasingly fierce market competition environment, computer information technology represented in management, production, design and manufacturing companies to get a more extensive application of information technology to improve product quality, reduce costs, increase flexibility and shorten the delivery cycle and other aspects have made outstanding contributions.Under the government's positive efforts to vigorously promote and enterprise information process is gradually accelerate our business, and also made great achievements, but our ERP-based enterprise applications on enterprise information management is still immature.This article will examine the background and significance in the first part of the description of the subject. The second part is based on enterprise information management overview of ERP. Introduction of enterprise information, enterprise information management, ERP and important role in the enterprise ERP-based information management.The third part will be based on the status quo of China's enterprise ERP information management research and analysis, from the application status to the existing problems, dig. The fourth part will from cost profit departure, change management concepts, real-time control, giving new meaning-based enterprise information management ERP system; then make recommendations to the company, hopes to strengthen the understanding of ERP systems based information management, leaders insist , attention to staffing and training,draw the responsibility alone accounting responsibilities powers closely, accelerate the pace of construction of enterprise information management.
    Keywords: Enterprise resource planning; Information; Information Technology; Information Technology; Information Management
    一、绪论    1
    (一)课题的研究背景    1
    (二)课题的研究意义    1
    二、基于ERP的企业信息化管理概述    3
    (一) 企业信息化    3
    1、 企业信息化的含义    3
    2、 企业信息化的意义和作用    3
    (二) 企业信息化管理    4
    1、 企业信息化管理的含义    4
    2、 企业信息化管理与企业信息管理    4
    (三) 企业资源计划——ERP    4
    1、 企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Plan,简称ERP)    4
    2、 ERP的发展    5
    (四) 基于ERP的信息化管理在企业中的重要作用    6
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