    【摘 要】如今安卓的手机已是大多数消费者的首选,普遍极广,覆盖率极高,深受大众的喜爱。所以基于这个情况,安卓的游戏也拥有大批量的玩家追随。经典的游戏,尤其以休闲类为主,在安卓游戏下载排行榜上一直居高不下。五子棋就是休闲类游戏的一种,五子棋,也称为“连五”、“串珠”,是中国民间被熟知的一个古老棋种。它起源于四千多年前的尧帝时期,随后在日本发展,盛行于欧洲。其最大的特性是简单易学易上手,老少皆宜,趣十足且引人入胜。此款游戏不仅能提高智力,增强思文能力,还富含哲理有利于修身养性。
    毕业论文关键词】 安卓 五子棋 人工智能
    The five in a row game based on Android platform
    Nowadays Android phone is the first choice for most consumers and Android phone is general widely with high coverage, loved by the public. In the case, game of Android has huge quantities of fans. Classical games are always on the top of Android download list especially with casual games. Gobang is one of casual game.Gobang, which is also go by the name of the Renju or beads which is familiar with a kind of ancient chess in Chinese folk. Gobang orginated in Yaodi era before four thousand years, developed in Japan and became popular in Europe and America. Its biggest characteristic is easy to learn and easy to fit in, young and old are all appropriated, fun and entertaining as well. This game can not only improve one’s intelligence, enhance the capacity of thinking and also rich in philosophy meanwhile it is helpful to cultivate one's morality and gender.
    The paper mainly introduces the Eclipse as the main development tools, realizing the process of the game by JAVA language on Android platform. The controls and layouts on Android platform is perfect and it is convenient for developers to design process in intimacy interface and clear content. Thus I combine method of chess and design the Gobang software which is easy to operate and has good user experience. I wrote the game by AI, which can provide the competing platform to user. Players can be immersed in the world of gobang by a simple interface and easy operation.
    【 Key words 】 Android   Gobang  Artificial intelligence

    目录    iii
    1绪论    5
    1.1开发概述    6
    1.2背景    7
    1.3课题来源    7
    1.4国内外研究现状    8
    1.5五子棋概述    9
    2开发环境与工具介绍    11
    2.1开发环境与运行环境    11
    2.1.1开发环境    11
    2.1.2运行环境    11
    2.2工具介绍    12
    2.2.1Android 简介    12
    2.2.2Java简介    14
    .2.3安装开发软件    16
    2.2.4配置Eclipse    18
    2.2.5使用Eclipse开发Android应用    22
    3需求分析与游戏总体设计    24
    3.1需求分析    24
    3.2游戏设计思想    24
    3.3游戏总体设计    25
    3.4游戏功能模块及主要流程    25
    3.4.1游戏主要功能模块    25
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