    摘要:最早提出“大数据”时代到来的是全球知名咨询公司麦肯锡,麦肯锡称:“数据,已经渗透到当今每一个行业和业务职能领域,成为重要的生产因素。人们对于海量数据的挖掘和运用,预示着新一波生产率增长和消费者盈余浪潮的到来。” “大数据”在物理学、生物学、环境生态学等领域以及军事、金融、通讯等行业存在已有时日,却因为近年来互联网和信息行业的发展而引起人们关注。大数据作为云计算、物联网之后又IT行业又一大颠覆性的技术革命,对电子商务的发展也起着更加重要的作用。
    E -Commerce’s Development and Innovation under the Big Data Environments
    Abstract: The idea that “big data” era will come is first proposed by the world-renowned consulting firm McKinsey .McKinsey said:  “Data has penetrated into every area of today's industries and business functions. It has become an important factor of production. People make use of the massive data and the mining of that indicate the arrival of a new wave of productivity growth and consumer surplus tide. ““Big data “has already existed for a while in physics, biology, ecology and other fields as well as environmental, military, financial, communications and other industries. But, because of the development of the Internet and the information industry has caused concern in recent years to the. Big data as another big subversive technological revolution after cloud computing and networking of the IT industry, it also plays a more important role in the development of e-commerce.
    This paper is mainly describes how the mobile Internet technology is changing traditional industries, as well as characteristics and the status quo of the e-commerce industry under the big data environment through the survey analysis of the e-commerce service platform . The paper proposes ideas and methods of service innovation around the development status and characteristics of e-commerce under the big data background. It studies development patterns and trends of the e-commerce’s service platform, to provide a reference for improving the competitiveness of the e-commerce.
    Keywords: Big Data; Electricity Supplier; Traditional Industries; Innovation; Development
     目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 课题研究的目的与意义    1
    (二) 课题研究的现状和发展趋势    2
    二、大数据与电子商务的基本概述    4
    (一) 大数据的定义    4
    (二)大数据的特点    4
    (三)大数据的发展    4
    (四)大数据对现代经济生活的影响    5
    1、电子商务内容    6
    2、电子商务的特点    6
    (751) 电子商务对现代经济生活的影响    6
    (七)大数据环境下电子商务发展面临的新契机    7
    1、互联网以及物联网的发展    7
    2、PC及智能手机的普及    7
    3、SNS日渐成熟的电商化趋势    7
    4、支付形式的多样性    8
    三、 大数据在电子商务中的应用分析    9
    四、大数据环境下电商的创新与发展策略分析    12
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