    摘要:进入二十一世纪以来,随着我国企业信息管理逐步向现代化和高效化的转变,自动化的办公流程也已成为必须。人才已经企业发展的核心竞争力,在企业的发展中发挥着不可比拟的作用。良好的人才管理系统也便成为了企业管理的一部分。一个现代化的企业人事管理系统有助于企业节约成本、提高效率,而且还可以更清楚地了解到企业员工的资料,从而更合理地制定相关的人事信息本系统主要针对中小企业的人事管理人员进行开发设计的,在对用户的需求进行分析的基础上,进而得到相应的解决方案。从数据库的设计到程序的编写,从软件的测试到系统的运行文护,本系统严格按照软件设计的相关流程进行设计。本文简单介绍了企业人事管理系统的发展现状和趋势,并阐明了论文选题的目的和意义。其次,根据现人事管理系统的一般组织结构和业务流程进行了系统需求分析,同时论述了人事管理系统的详细设计过程。本系统采用C#作为开发语言,采用SQL Server2012作为数据库,并采用Visual Studio 2012,用来作为开发环境。24253
    毕业论文关键词:人事管理 ;C#;SQL Server 2012;Visual Studio 2012
    The development of the company management system--- The personnel system
    Abstract: The twenty-first century, as China gradually to modern enterprise information management and efficient transition, automated office processes has become a very important part. Talent and the core competitiveness of enterprise development played an incomparable role in the development of enterprises. Good talent management systems will become part of the corporate management. A modern personnel management system not only help companies reduce costs and improve efficiency, but also more clearly know the information of employees, as the result we can make the personnel information more reasonable. This system is mainly for small enterprises to development, it based on the analysis of needs of the users, and then we will get the solution. From the design of the database to the write of the program, running from software testing to system maintenance, the system is strictly accordance with the relevant design software design process. This paper briefly introduces the development status and trends of the personnel management system and it clarify the purpose and significance of this topic. Secondly, according to the general organizational structure and the business processes, this paper makes analysis of the needs of the personnel management system, meanwhile; it discusses the detail design process of the personnel management system. This system uses C sharp as the development language, and it used SQL Server2012 as a database, and using Visual Studio 2012 as a development environment.
    Keywords:    personnel management; C#; SQL Server 2012; Visual Studio 2012
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iv
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景    1
    2    开发及运行环境的选择    3
    2.1    数据库的选择    3
    2.2    开发工具的选择    4
    3    系统需求分析    5
    3.1系统概述    5
    3.2系统功能    5
    4    系统的可行性分析    6
    4.1    经济可行性    6
    4.2    功能可行性分析    6
    4.3    技术可行性    6
    5    功能模块分析    7
    5.1    整体功能模块    7
    5.1.1    登陆模块    7
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