    毕业论文关键词:物业管理;B/S架构;SQL Server2005;ASP.NET
    Residential property management information system
    Abstract:In today's information age, computer information processing, information transmission provide a faster, more secure platform. Information technology has been on the agenda, the development of practical, efficient property management system has become an important issue. Given the demand for property management, property management system was developed, the main objective of the system is to automate the management of residential property, improve the modernization level of property management pisions.
     With the continuous improvement of science and technology, computer science and technology matures, its powerful functions for the people deeply understand that it has entered into various areas of human society and play an increasingly important role.Divided according to the classification system users: administrators, maintenance staff, ordinary users three roles.This system by system administrators maintain basic information, maintain employee information account; Implement employee to village resident information maintenance, to property management fees, utilities, car, household repair management, so as to realize the statistics of the property management fees, utilities.
    Keywords:  Property management; B / S architecture; SQL Server2005; ASP.NET
    1 绪论    5
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    5
    1.1.1 选题目的    5
    1.1.2 选题意义    5
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    6
    1.2.1 国外物业管理发展现况    6
    1.2.2 国内物业管理发展现况    6
    1.3 发展趋势    7
    1.3.1 管理信息系统将会越来越注重以人为本    7
    1.3.2 管理信息系统向网络化方向发展    7
    1.3.3 管理信息系统向智能化方向发展    8
    1.3.4 管理信息系统向集成化方向发展    8
    1.4 本设计特点    8
    2 分析    10
    2.1 可行性分析    10
    2.1.1 技术可行性    10
    2.1.2 经济可行性    10
    2.1.3 社会可行性    11
    2.2 系统开发环境    11
    2.2.1 系统硬件环境    11
    2.2.2 系统软件环境    11
    2.3 需求分析    16
    2.3.1 系统的综合要求    16
    2.3.2 软件基本要求    16
    2.3.3 系统目标    17
    3 系统概要设计    18
    3.1 概述    18
    3.2 系统结构    18
    3.3 数据库设计    19
    3.3.1 数据库E-R图    20
    3.3.2 数据库物理设计    23
    4 系统详细设计    29
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