    毕业论文关键词 数据仓库 元数据 元数据管理
    Title Meta-Data management based on big data platform
    Today, the establishment of efficient data warehouse determines the companies to store and
    manage vast amounts of data and the quality of their data, and data quality attributes and in
    which played a crucial role, which allows businesses and companies gradually realized metadata
    as well as metadata management and its practical significance in enterprise data management
    The big problem in Jiangsu Tianyi Electric Co., Ltd. power collection system data warehouse
    project as an opportunity to practice from the enterprise data warehouse and big data platform,
    and in the study of metadata and metadata attributes and In practice, seeking an efficient and
    high visibility of metadata management.
    This paper describes the status of development of big data, and describes the benefits of
    electricity Mandarin day gathering background and platform design of large data platform.
    Thereafter, the paper also discusses the relevant knowledge of metadata. In addition, the article
    focuses on the basics of important metadata management applications in enterprise development,
    that is the data dictionary, data analysis and data lineage feature. On the basis of the above three,
    focusing on the two based on their technical - data retrieval and data maps, and combined with
    its specific application in the enterprise development, it introduces the electricity collecting
    primary data for this stage of mainstream technology platform application and the reasons
    Finally, the big day benefit the establishment of Jiangsu Power Technology Co., Ltd. electric
    acquisition system based on primary data platform, combined with the previously mentioned big
    data platform and metadata management basic knowledge and engineering application, the more
    detailed description of the main data platform theoretical foundation, design ideas and
    construction processes.
    Keywords data-warehouse meta-data meta-data management目 次
    目 次. I
    1 引言1
    1.1 课题研究背景 1
    1.2 现阶段研究现状.. 1
    1.3 课题主要研究内容. 2
    2 项目背景知识..3
    2.1 用电采集大数据平台 3
    2.1.1 项目背景.. 3
    2.1.2 项目框架设计 3
    2.1.3 项目系统设计 4
    2.2 元数据相关..6
    2.2.1 元数据定义. 6
    2.2.2 元数据分类. 6
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