    关键词  点餐  地图定位  Hibernate   Spring  Servlet
    Title    Meal Reservation System Based On Smartphone      
    With the rapid development of society, people work and life rhythm is faster and faster, more and more people are not satisfied with the traditional diet way for wasting of time, begin to use the Internet for online reservation, help save the time consumed in eating, thus can have more time engaged in work.
    This article first introduces the topic background and significance, then introduces the present situation and future development trend of meal reservation industry, finally has a total designing with the platform and coding implementation of mobile terminal software. Database is common MySQL,and backend server uses Hibernate and Spring framework to simplify software development,and uses Servlet technology to deal with data communication. In Android, software realize the registration and login function, order list function, list of merchants function, goods list function, shopping cart function, location mapping function, fuzzy search function, etc. Software uses simple json data to communicate with the backend. Users can easily have a deal of ordering food with merchants in the android mobile phone.
    Keywords  Meal Reservation  Location Mapping   Hibernate  Spring  Servlet
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景    2
    1.2  课题意义    2
    2  外卖点餐系统    4
    2.1  外卖系统介绍    4
    2.2  外卖点餐发展及趋势    6
    2.3  外卖订餐当前的问题    7
    3  所用技术和工具    8
    3.1  Android平台    8
    3.2  百度地图接口    8
    3.3  Hibernate+Spring+Servlet后台    9
    3.4  MySQL数据库    9
    4  点餐总体设计    10
    4.1  软件可行性分析    10
    4.2  软件总体结构    11
    4.3  平台功能介绍    11
    4.4  业务流程    15
    4.5  数据库逻辑    15
    5  点餐详细设计    19
    5.1  后台服务器实现    19
    5.2  登录与注册实现    24
    5.3  地图定位实现    28
    5.4  商家列表、商品列表实现    32
    5.5  购物车实现    40
    5.6  模糊搜索    42
    5.7  Json通信实现    43
    结  论    46
    致  谢    47
    1  绪论
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