    由于本学术年会网站的综合管理特点,需要建立一个交互性好,效率较高,可拓展性好的网站。考虑到JSP及其相关的网页制做技术的安全性,良好集成性,强可拓展性,可移植性等优点,并且目前Java/JSP技术在国际上十分流行,故采用Java/JSP构建的网站特别适合解决以上问题。本文在经济性,技术性的分析后,采用Java/JSP +Tomcat+MySQL作为模式,进行网站的建设。认定了“一个基于Java的学术年会网站的设计”这一研究课题。
    毕业论文关键词: Java/JSP;   学术年会网站;   MySQL数据库
    Academic meeting is a kind of meeting which is hosted every year and is in the topic of the issues such as improving the development of scientist, academic communication and researching task. Every year lots of academic meetings are hosted, while the meetings hosted by societies and associations account for a decent slug  of that. To make it convenient for scholars and academic organizations to host yearly academic meetings , yearly academic meeting websites will work as a bridge. It will provide the functions like connecting author and members, providing meeting information, providing service to help members submit and manage papers.
    In consideration of the properties of societies, the yearly academic meeting website not only need the functions of noticing and soliciting papers, but also need the function of managing members, so that, we need to establish a comprehensive yearly academic meeting website which faces members in the societies and social authors.
    Because of the comprehensive managing properties of the yearly academic meeting in this paper, it is necessary to establish a website with  good integration, extensibility and efficiency.In consideration of the advantages, such as safety, good integration, extensibility and portability ,of the JSP and concerning web developing technology, and the extensive use of JSP all around the world, a website based on Java/JSP technology is suitable to solve the problems. The paper decides to apply JSP+TomcatMySQL developing method and fosters the research task “the design of a yearly academic meeting webside based on Java” after analyzing the efficiency and technology feasibility.
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