    关键词  Android  USB  驱动
    Title     Design of the Application based on Android System               
    Android is a kind of free and open source code based on Linux operating system, which is developed jointly by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, mainly used in mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets.And the connected equipment transmit the data always through the USB.   
    This paper first introduces the overall architecture of the Android system internal organization , and analyzes the structure, principle and effect of the kernel layer, application framework, system layer and application layer, which prepares the later programming.
    Secondly it analyzes the characteristics and composition of USB, including the electrical characteristics, data form and way of data transmission, etc.
    Finally the USB driver programs of the Android platform are written completely and  the effects of each function in the program are illustrated .
    After the construction of the Android operating environment, I run the simulator successfully and  test the hardware connection, which results meets the design requirements.
    Keywords  Android  USB  driver  test
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  LINUX    1
    1.2  ANDROID    3
    1.3  USB    6
    2  ANDROID系统    7
    2.1  LINUX内核层    7
    2.2  系统运行库层    8
    2.3  应用框架层    9
    2.4  应用层    9
    3  MINIUSB    9
    3.1  电气、机械特性及电源    9
    3.2  数据域及数据包    10
    3.3  数据传输方式    11
    4  USB驱动程序    13
    4.1  USB工作模式    13
    4.2  USB驱动程序流程    14
    4.3  ONCREATE初始化USB接口类    15
    4.4  ONRESUME初始化USB设备    16
    4.5  监听USB设备状态    19
    4.6  WRITE DATA    20
    4.7  RAED DATA    24
    5  ANDROID系统USB驱动测试    27
    5.1  搭建模拟器环境    27
    5.2  测试    30
    5.3  硬件测试    31
    结  论    34
    致  谢    35
    1  引言
    1.1  Linux
    1.1.1  Linux系统概述
    Linux系统是我们所熟知的一种类UNIX操作系统。这个名字的来源是它的创造者Linus Benedict Torvalds。使用者拥有很大的权限来自由选择引用软件,与内核相结合,才是真正的Linux系统。
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