    关键词  行人识别  人脸检测  欧氏距离  PCA  KL变换
    Title    The pedestrian recognition algorithm research  
    Pedestrian recognition or face recognition has become increasingly familiar in our lives, access detection office buildings, pedestrian red light on the road to detect, even with the criminal offenses of prisoners hunt and so every aspect of our livesIt has accepted a subtle influence pedestrian recognition. This article is a combination of teacher in the existing algorithms specific requirements, design a program to implement on the basis of a given image on a pedestrian identify pedestrians moving target, the application of the United Kingdom has been the face database, application tools matlab pca based method, Although there are some errors in the recognition rate, but with their own algorithm to grasp the situation and the project made the following analysis and summary.
    Pedestrian detection algorithm based on PCA. It has become a classic algorithm pedestrian recognition, PCA is to find the fundamental data of the original complex, dimension reduction is its fundamental generalization, the most simple data structures revealed. In this design, it is mainly used to extract facial features.
    Keywords  Pedestrian recognition  Face Recognition  Euclidean distance  PCA  kl transform algorithm
    目 次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  行人识别的背景及意义    1
    1.2  行人识别国内外研究情况    2
    1.3  matlab介绍    4
    1.4  PCA及KL变换的介绍    4
    1.5 KL变换    7
    1.6  本设计所做的工作    8
    2  本设计行人识别系统的概要设计    9
    2.1可行性分析    9
    2.1.1预处理技术可行性分析    9
    2.1.2操作及系统可行性分析    12
    2.2需求分析    12
    2.2.1功能分析及功能模块图    12
    2.2.2详细分析各模块    13
    2.2.3 pca算法步骤    17
    3  详细设计    19
    4  测试结果    26
    结论    28
    致谢    29
    参考文献    30
    1  引言
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